2019: 100 ans de l'UAI (message de la FFAAB)

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15 Mar 2019 23:19 #1 par astroraoul
Réponse de astroraoul sur le sujet 2019: 100 ans de l'UAI (message de la FFAAB)
Soirée d'observation à Bruxelles, juste après (Marché aux Herbes):
De : Philippe Mollet <Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.> De la part de Philippe Mollet-MIRA
Envoyé : vendredi 15 mars 2019 16:58
Objet : Soirée d'observation centre Bruxelles, samedi 13 avril...

Chèrs collègues,

après 4 mois d’attente (!) nous venons enfin de recevoir l'autorisation de la commune de Bruxelles, pour la soirée d'observation qu'on avait prévu au centre de Bruxelles (Place Agora, juste à coté de la Grand'Place), à l'occasion du centenaire de l'Union Astronomique Internationale.

Ces jours là (du jeudi 11 au samedi 13 avril), l'UAI organise sa grande conférence au Palais des Académies, donc d'une certaine façon "notre" soirée d'observation clôturera cette activité.

Alors on aimera bien que cela ne soit pas seulement une activité de MIRA, mais en collaboration avec tous les clubs d'astronomie des environs de Bruxelles (et -pourquoi pas- de bien plus loin!). Donc si cela vous tente d'y participer -seul ou en club- veuillez bien nous avertir pour qu'on puisse s'organiser un peu? On aimerai bien qu'il y aie une petite dizaine de télescopes/jumelles (pas trop non plus: après tout, l'endroit n'est pas si grand ni dégagé pour y installer des dizaines d'instruments :-)).

En plus, on mettra une petite tente (genre petite kiosque), ou on aura assez de place pour mettre des dépliants, des panneaux, affiches (des différents clubs astro??), drapeaux,...

Pourquoi la place Agora (rue Marché aux Herbes)? Et bien, pas facile de trouver un endroit en plein centre de Bruxelles, avec beaucoup de passage, et quand-même une "fenêtre" minimale sur le ciel :-).
Bien sur, en plein centre de Bruxelles, pas question de faire des observations du ciel profond :-). Alors on se contentera de montrer la Lune: vers 21h elle sera à 58° au dessus de l'horizon, vers 23h toujours à 50°, vers minuit (fin de l'activité) elle descends déjà à 42° donc il faudra peut-être déplacer certains télescopes en fonction des bâtiments...

Quand: samedi 13 avril, de 21h à 23h50m (pour ne pas dire minuit :-)).
Mais uniquement si les conditions météo le permettent, on en décidera le samedi vers midi (et on communiquera sur notre site web + par mail)

En annexe quelques images de organisations précédentes (2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014)

J’espère que vous serez parmi nous ce soir-là, et sans nuages :-)

bien à vous,
pour MIRA, Philippe

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10 Mar 2019 01:20 #2 par astroraoul

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30 Jan 2019 14:01 #3 par astroraoul
Réponse de astroraoul sur le sujet 2019: 100 ans de l'UAI (message de la FFAAB)
Dear friends and colleagues,

As promised, we plan to update you in 2019 each month on the activities as part of the IAU 100 years celebration. The year 2019 started well with the success of the kick-off event 100 Hours of Astronomy . Over 1200 (!) astronomy activities took place across 85 countries worldwide from 10–13 January 2019. Many thanks to all the organizers and volunteers that made this possible. You can find a glimpse of the activities worldwide at IAU Office of Astronomy Outreach Flickr Gallery . Please check out some of the wonderful pictures from across the globe.

During the upcoming month, we want to highlight the actions around the IAU Women and Girls in Astronomy Day . This is an initiative under the International Day of Women and Girls in Science is celebrated each year on 11 February and was adopted by the United Nations to promote full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls. We strongly encourage the organization of activities throughout 2019, especially events organised around February, as the perfect opportunity to celebrate girls and women in astronomy — encouraging girls to consider careers in astronomy and by recognizing the important role of women for the advancement of astronomy.

The IAU Amateur Astronomy Day Event in Belgium will be hosted on 13 April 2019 at the Palace of the Academies in Brussels. Please inform your amateur astronomer friends! This is our first event dedicated to amateur astronomers and we hope this can be a place where both amateurs and professionals share their experiences and contributions to astronomy. This event will follow the International Astronomical Union 1919–2019: 100 Years Under One Sky Flagship event will be held on 11–12 April 2019 at the Palace of the Academies in Brussels.

The IAU centennial celebrations are made possible thanks to a wide variety of partners. We welcome new organisations coming on board to support the IAU100 goals. You can review the various possibilities here .

These are only two examples of how you can engage with the celebrations; we encourage all members of our community to participate in and/or organise and register events under the IAU100 banner.

Please visit the IAU100 website and follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages to stay up to date with the latest news, and use hashtag #IAU100 for anything related to the celebrations. For any enquiries, please contact the IAU100 Coordinator Jorge Rivero González at Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser..

We made an excellent start in 2019 — a global ‘Star Party’ in January with people enthusiastically celebrating astronomy through IAU’s one-hundredth anniversary. We are really looking forward to what awaits us next.

Ewine van Dishoeck
IAU President

Teresa Lago
IAU General Secretary

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13 Jan 2019 21:45 #4 par astroraoul
Réponse de astroraoul sur le sujet 2019: 100 ans de l'UAI (message de la FFAAB)
Il y a quelques jours, je vous avait envoyé un formulaire à remplir afin de définir le genre de manifestations
que vous avez l'intention de présenter, lors de la journée spéciale résrvée au public, sur le plateau d'Uccle, le samedi 21/09.
N'oubliez pas de me renvoyer, pour votre club, le formulaire avant le 15 janvier.
Bien entendu, il s'agit juste d'établir un état des lieux, avant d'organiser un programme mieux défini.

Le motif de ce message est de vous informer qu'il se prépare quelquechose d'important pour
la communauté des astronomes amateurs, le samedi 13/04/2019 à Bruxelles (Palais des Académies).
L'Union Astronomique Internationale, y organise le "Amateur Astronomy Day".
De 9 à 18h, nous assiterons à des présentations d' astronomes professionnels et amateurs,
des tables rondes concernant la coopération entre amateurs et professionnels, une session de posters,
visite de l'exposition "Above and beyond" ...

Pour y assister, c'est gratuit. Il est cependant nécessaire de s'enregistrer en suivant ce lien:


Attention, la date limite d'inscription est fixée au 15 mars 2019. Le nombre de places est limité à 400.
Premiers inscrits, premiers servis. On attend de nombreux amateurs de toutes les régions du globe.
C'est une occasion unique de rencontrer d'autres passionnés, venus de tous les horizons.

Si vous désirez faire une présentation (en anglais), il faut, après l'inscription normale,
envoyer votre résumé (en anglais) avant le 10 février 2019.
Voir le site pour plus d'informations.

J'espère retrouver de nombreux membres de la FFAAB, là bas.


Pour la FFAAB, Roland Boninsegna.

Roland Boninsegna
Rue de Mariembourg, 45
B 5670 Dourbes
Tel: + 32 60 399925
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Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Anakara

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09 Jan 2019 15:16 #5 par astroraoul
Réponse de astroraoul sur le sujet 2019: 100 ans de l'UAI (message de la FFAAB)
Le 13 avril, les astronomes amateurs seront dans le public. Ils pourront dialoguer avec les intervenants.,

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09 Jan 2019 15:15 #6 par astroraoul
Réponse de astroraoul sur le sujet 2019: 100 ans de l'UAI (message de la FFAAB)
Dear friends and colleagues,

The International Astronomical Union (IAU) and the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) will host the first IAU Symposium on “Astronomy for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion -- a roadmap to action within the framework of IAU centennial anniversary” in Tokyo, Japan, from 12-15 November, 2019.

Given the relevance of this symposium to the community we would like to kindly ask you to disseminate this information through your networks and invite you to engage with the symposium by attending and/or sharing your work in the field. We also encourage you and your institution to actively participate in the draft of the future IAU Resolutions, to be presented in the IAU General Assembly in Busan 2021, by expressing your wish to contribute via email (Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.).

You can find our second announcement below.
Wishing you all the best for 2019 and we hope we can count on your further support and hopefully your presence in Japan!
Lina Canas, on behalf of the IAU358 Symposium Organizing Committees


Symposium from the International Astronomical Union IAUS358 – 2nd Announcement:
Astronomy for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Location: NAOJ Mitaka Campus, Tokyo, JAPAN
Date: November 12 - 15, 2019
Official Website: iau-oao.nao.ac.jp/iaus358/
Registration: iau-oao.nao.ac.jp/iaus358/registration/
Abstract Submission: iau-oao.nao.ac.jp/iaus358/abstract-submission/

In 2019, November 12 to 15, Japan will host the first IAU symposium on Astronomy for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. The symposium aims to be a roadmap to action, highlighting the role diversity and inclusion play in producing better science, contribute for competitiveness and innovation and to focus on specific steps leading to change on the field. This symposium is aimed at all astronomy professionals that wish to bring inclusiveness to their research and diversity to their teams, practices, work environments and institutions.

This first IAU symposium will lay grounds for future IAU Resolutions on Equity, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policies in Astronomy. The IAU Resolutions will outline a set of viewpoints and subsequent proposed actions, in alignment with the new IAU Strategic Plan 2020-2030 and will ultimately seek official endorsement by the Executive Committee and the IAU General Assembly in Busan, in 2021. A first presentation of the resolutions will be done during the meeting in Japan. With the same inclusive and open approach that permeates all dialogues of the symposium, the organization wishes to invite everyone to join the project and contribute in their own unique way.

Registration and Abstract submission are now open, and the organization welcomes contributions on the following topics:
Learning from Best Practices in Disabilities and Establishing a Framework to Address Equity and Equality in Astronomy Organizations, Facilities and Academic Institutions;
Identify and Address Barriers to Access: fostering a climate of inclusivity;
New Technologies for Accessibility: diversity and disability;
Astronomy for society — Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Empathy in Communicating Astronomy;
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): gender equality and empowerment;
IAU100: Global Perspectives on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Astronomy;
Diversity in Research: identity, ethnicity and culture in research teams.
Find out more about each Key Topic here: iau-oao.nao.ac.jp/iaus358/keytopics/

Requests for IAU Financial Support can be submitted from January 15, 2019, until July 15, 2019. The IAU grants are meant to support qualified scientists to whom limited means of support are available, e.g., colleagues from economically less privileged communities or groups and young scientists.
For more information, please visit the website: iau-oao.nao.ac.jp/iaus358/

If you have any question concerning the Symposium, please contact Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser..
The IAUS358 Scientific and Local Organizing Committees are looking forward to warmly welcoming you in Tokyo, Japan.


Lina Canas
Assistant Outreach Coordinator
Office for Astronomy Outreach, International Astronomical Union

Office: 310 South Building, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo, 181-8588, JAPAN

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05 Jan 2019 00:03 #7 par astroraoul
Réponse de astroraoul sur le sujet 2019: 100 ans de l'UAI (message de la FFAAB)
Dear amateur astronomers,

The International Astronomical Union (IAU) is pleased to invite you to the first IAU100 Amateur Astronomy Day Event in Brussels, Belgium on 13 April 2019, organized in the framework of the IAU 100th anniversary Celebrations (IAU100, see www.iau-100.org ).

This inspirational full-day event will include the participation of NASA astronaut John Grunsfeld, and renowned scientists discussing hot topics in astronomy ranging from gravitational waves and the black hole in the galactic center to planet-forming disks and recent solar system missions. The program also includes presentations from the amateur astronomical community and a amateur-professional discussion. Thus the IAU aims to further build the relationship between amateur astronomers, their organizations and the IAU.

We hereby invite you to engage with the event by attending and/or sharing your work as an amateur astronomer. Please also circulate this information to other members of your astronomy organisation.

The event is free to attend for any amateur astronomer worldwide, and we look forward to participation from a broad range of countries to share astronomy Under One Sky!

You can find the announcement below, or visit our official website for the event for more information about the event and on how to submit an abstract: www.iau-100.org/amateur-astronomers-day

Wishing you all the best for 2019 and we hope we can count on your further support during the IAU100 celebrations and hopefully your presence in Brussels!

With best regards,

Jorge Rivero González

IAU100 Coordinator

IAU100 Amateur Astronomy Day

Location: Palace of the Academies, Brussels, Belgium

Date: Saturday 13 April 2019

Official Website: www.iau-100.org/amateur-astronomers-day

Registration: www.iau-100.org/registration-amateur-day

Abstract Submission: www.iau-100.org/abstract-amateur-day

On Saturday 13 April 2019 at the Palace of the Academies in Brussels, Belgium, the International Astronomical Union will organise its first event for amateur astronomers.

With an inspirational full-day event that will include the participation of NASA astronaut John Grunsfeld, renowned scientists involved in hot topics in astronomy and presentations from the amateur astronomical community, the IAU aims to further build the relationship between amateur astronomers, their organizations and the IAU.

The activities organised by amateur astronomers play an integral role reaching out to the general public to engage them with the wonders of the universe, as shown throughout the International Year of Astronomy in 2009. The IAU wants to highlight their valuable work and contributions during its 100th anniversary celebrations in 2019 (IAU100, see www.iau-100.org/ ), which will increase awareness of a century of astronomical discoveries and the use of astronomy as a tool for education, development and diplomacy.

This special event for amateur astronomers will include keynote lectures by prominent scientists, review talks about Professional-Amateur astronomy projects, parallel sessions to showcase the work of amateur astronomers and panels discussing topics such as what the IAU can do for amateur astronomers. There will also be the possibility for showcasing some equipment as well as visiting the acclaimed Above and Beyond exhibition ( 100exhibit.iau.org/ ), which has been commissioned by the IAU to showcase some of the most significant and surprising astronomical breakthroughs that have shaped science, technology and culture over the last century.

The event is free to attend for any amateur astronomer worldwide, and we look forward to participation from a broad range of countries. Both Registration and Abstract submission are now open, and the IAU welcomes contributions by amateur astronomers.

If you are interested in attending the event please register here by 15 March 2019 the latest. Attendance is limited to about 400 people and is on a first come, first serve basis.

The deadline for abstract submission is Sunday 10 February 2019. Find more about abstract submission here. The selected contributions will be communicated to their authors by late February.

If you have any question concerning the Amateur Astronomy Day event, please contact the IAU100 Secretariat at Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser..

Join the IAU celebrating a century of astronomical discoveries Under One Sky!

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22 Déc 2018 10:15 #8 par astroraoul
Réponse de astroraoul sur le sujet 2019: 100 ans de l'UAI (message de la FFAAB)
En avril 2019, conférences les 11, 12 avril à Bruxelles (Palais des académies):
Evénements de Bruxelles

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04 Déc 2018 17:15 - 04 Déc 2018 17:19 #9 par astroraoul
Réponse de astroraoul sur le sujet 2019: 100 ans de l'UAI (message de la FFAAB)
Pour septembre, un projet en commun à l'ORB avec la VVS dans le cadre des 100 ans de l'UAI (en attache, un fichier pdf et un fichier excel).

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Dernière édition: 04 Déc 2018 17:19 par astroraoul.

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26 Oct 2018 23:20 #10 par astroraoul
Réponse de astroraoul sur le sujet 2019: 100 ans de l'UAI (message de Rodrigo)
Dear friends,

I am writing to you due to your involvement and engagement with the
International Year of Astronomy in 2009 (IYA2009). Throughout 2009 we
had millions of people marvel at the night sky through stargazing
events, like 100 Hours of Astronomy and Galilean Nights, two of the
IYA2009 Global Cornerstone Projects.

In 2019, we are doing it again.

Spread over four days and nights in January 2019, amateur and
professional astronomers, astronomy enthusiasts and the general public
are all invited to share their knowledge and enthusiasm for astronomy by
taking part in a scheduled activity or to organise on their own as part
of this exciting celebration. We welcome astronomy activities of all
kinds, including workshops, tours, talks, sky observation activities,
classroom projects, lectures, field trips, art projects and more! The
sky's the limit with possible astronomy projects for the 100 Hours of
Astronomy event.

In 2019, we will be facilitating the organisation of observation
activities as well as any kind of astronomy-related event.

The 2019 100 Hours of Astronomy global project is being planned as part
of the International Astronomical Union’s 100th Anniversary in 2019
(IAU100, see www.iau-100.org ). The year will consist of many events
around the world to celebrate astronomy under the theme Under One Sky,
but we will be starting with the 100 Hours of Astronomy event from 10-13
January 2019.

As a central hub for information, we have created a website
(100hoursofastronomy.org) where those who are interested can explore
resources and materials, and can register their event to be included in
the IAU100 calendar ( www.iau-100.org/events ). We invite you to
brainstorm about possible activities you’d like to organise to join this
global event. The global coordinator for the 100 Hours of Astronomy,
Bethany Downer, can be reached by email if you wish to discuss this
exciting opportunity with her directly.

If you have any questions or further interest in this event, let us
know! We also welcome and encourage you to share the information about
this event with your network.

Best regards,

Bethany Downer
100 Hours of Astronomy Coordinator
IAU100 Global Project

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04 Oct 2018 14:31 #11 par astroraoul
Réponse de astroraoul sur le sujet 2019: 100 ans de l'UAI (message de Rodrigo)
Dear all,

we just launched the 100 Hours of Astronomy website, see www.100hoursofastronomy .org

You can find an overview about the initiative, news, tips to organise events, resources to organise inclusive actions and soon there will be a world map with activites

In case you would like to translate information to your language for further dissemination, you can also find a news item about it here: www.iau-100.org/participate-100-hours-of-astronomy

Please start disseminating it as much as possible in your country and especially encourage the organisation of events by astronomy organisations, amateur astronomy groups, planetaria, science centers, museums, etc.

Any type of activity related to astronomy could be included as part of the event.

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02 Oct 2018 21:41 #12 par astroraoul
Réponse de astroraoul sur le sujet 2019: 100 ans de l'UAI (message de Rodrigo)
Dear all,

we just launched the Einstein School programme and website ( www.einsteinschools.org ). Please see the website and the news item about it www.iau-100.org/become-an-einstein-school

The Einstein Schools Programme will help schools and students across the world explore the latest discoveries in astronomy. Students can learn about current research on black holes, gravitational lenses, and gravitational waves as they explore the importance of gravity and its effect on stars, galaxies, and light. Students can also learn about how Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity, one of the towering achievements of 20th-century physics, was confirmed 100 years ago during a total solar eclipse. In that same year, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) was formed to encourage scientific collaboration among astronomers worldwide. This project is part of that worldwide celebration of the formation of the IAU.

Following the collaborative spirit that is the basis of the IAU, the Einstein Schools Programme will also allow schools worldwide to collaborate. The schools can share their studies of gravity in astronomy and discuss their creative approaches to displaying what they have learned about the nature of gravity, black holes and other compact objects, the detection of gravity waves, and whether light can be affected by gravity. The Einstein School program is designed to help schools foster an interest in science and technology and to cultivate science-talented youth in countries across the world.

To become part of the Einstein Schools network, one should form a diverse team of students and teacher advisors who want to do creative work in communicating about gravity and astronomy. The team can include students from different grade levels and teachers from any discipline. The more diverse the team, the better.

Teams can use any form of communication, from storytelling to dance, from photography to poems. After the result is posted online, the Project Staff and other schools around the world will provide it with feedback. Professional astronomers and other mentors are available to help your continuing efforts if there is no local mentor available.

At the moment we would like for people to start considering participation and to form teams. Lead teachers can register at www.einsteinschools.org/register-interest.php to get notices and updates.

Please disseminate as much as possible within your networks, especially the ones related to education and teachers.

Best regards,


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27 Sep 2018 12:07 #13 par astroraoul
Réponse de astroraoul sur le sujet 2019: 100 ans de l'UAI (message de Rodrigo)
Un site web dédié sera révélé la semaine prochaine..

De: Jorge Rivero González (Basecamp) <Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.>
Objet: (IAU NOCs) 100 Hours of Astronomy New Dates: 10-13 January 2019!
Date: 26 septembre 2018 à 18:50:17 UTC+2
À: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.
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Dear all,

for your information, we are launching the 100 Hours of Astronomy website at the end of the week and that would mark when we will start making full-time promotion of the event and reaching out to amateur organisations directly for their participation on the event.

Before that, after many discussions, I would like to make the announcement that we are going to change the dates of the project one week earlier, on 10-13 January 2019.

We received feedback from different sources in the last couple of weeks that might be best - in order to attract more participation of amateur astronomers - to move the date of the 100 Hours of Astronomy event a week earlier, to the weekend 10-13 January, where the sky conditions are more attractive for organising star parties. The Moon will be Waxing Crescent (between 17-40 % visible during the weekend) and also Mars would be close to it. The sky will be Moon-free at earlier time so would be best for people wanting to focus on observing deeper objects.

The weekend we were originally targeting (18-21 January) has full Moon (because we were targeting the eclipse in Latin America) but that might refrain some amateur astronomers to organise spontaneous activities or even could backfire and jeopardise further participation of amateur astronomers in other activities during the year.

In any case, the idea is to encourage that also astronomy-related activities other than star parties will be organised during that weekend but we also want to use it to attract the amateur astronomy community so it might be wise for the long-term to change the dates. We need to look at this project as a way of showing the strength of our network for the kick-off of the IAU100 activities worldwide.

I hope this does not cause any problems in any planned activities and you could understand that overall is the better decision. In any case, we are flexible and any activities on the weekend 18-21 January, especially if they are related to the Lunar eclipse, can also be included in the programme.

We are going to organise next week a couple of calls to discuss IAU100 updates (soon Sze-leung will share the information) and we could discuss it further then.

Best regards,

Sent with Basecamp You can reply to this email or respond in Basecamp.

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22 Aoû 2018 01:28 #14 par astroraoul
Réponse de astroraoul sur le sujet 2019: 100 ans de l'UAI (message de Rodrigo)
Il y a 3 choses qui apparaissent à ce stade, Thierry...
Les dates importantes sont les 11,12 et 13 avril..
La FFAAB est aussi au courant du projet 100 ans UAI et il y aura une réunion fin septembre pour en discuter (entre autres).
Les clubs sont libres d'organiser un événement à leur guise, il me semble (il faudrait l'inscrire et on peut aussi en parler à Astronamur)

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21 Aoû 2018 19:26 #15 par TTF
Réponse de TTF sur le sujet 2019: 100 ans de l'UAI (message de Rodrigo)
Raoul, puisque tu es informé...

Et comment on se coordonne, cette fois-çi ?
En 2009, c'était relativement clair, maintenant, on pige pas trop...

=> C'est la FFAAB qui s'occupe de tout ?
=> C'est chacun qui s'occupe de son/ses activité(s) ?
=> Pour chaque club, ok, il peut l'organiser de son côté...
=> Aucunes activités "globales", comme demandé ? Cela se coordonne comment ? Un endroit, plusieurs endroits ?
=> c'est celui qui la propose qui doit l'organiser seul ?
=> Il n'y a rien d'officiel, d'activité au niveau "global", comme en 2009 ?

A ce stade, je m'interroge...

Il faut toujours viser la Lune, car même en cas d'échec, on atterrit dans les étoiles.
(Oscar Wilde)

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20 Aoû 2018 21:05 #16 par astroraoul
Réponse de astroraoul sur le sujet 2019: 100 ans de l'UAI (message de Rodrigo)
Dear colleagues,

The IAU100 website is on-line:


You can start registering your event here:


You can see that the Flagship Event (11-13 April) including the Amateur Day (13 April) is already announced.

Best regards,

Début du message réexpédié :

De: Jorge Rivero González (Basecamp) <Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.>
Objet: (IAU NOCs) IAU100 website launched
Date: 18 août 2018 à 13:03:54 UTC+2
À: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.
Répondre à: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

Dear all,

we are happy to announce that we launched the IAU100 website, please check www.iau-100.org .

There you can find latest updates, information about projects, events, resources, etc. Notice that information about projects will be increased during the coming weeks. There will be an informative session on IAU100 at the second NOC meeting during the General Assembly on Friday 24 August from 12pm to 1pm. More information coming soon.

Please especially check the page with information about National Committees contacts ( www.iau-100.org/nodes ) to ensure the information is up-to-date. I apologize if any of the countries are not included since I might have not taken the most up-to-date list. If that is the case please let me know and I will add it asap. In the meantime I will check with Sze-leung as well.

Looking forward to meet many of you again during the General Assembly. I will mainly be at the IAU booth in case you want to discuss any time about the IAU100 initiative individually.

Best regards,


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06 Juil 2018 15:05 #17 par astroraoul
Réponse de astroraoul sur le sujet 2019: 100 ans de l'UAI (message de Rodrigo)
Dear friends,

The Total Solar Eclipse 2019 Campaign has just been launched. This is going to be one of our next big projects. We've prepared many activities that can be of interest to you personally and to your communities. As ambassadors of ESO, we would appreciate your help in spreading the word.

If you would like to help out, please see below some options:

1) add a link to your signature as you can see in mine. HTML code for that is <br><a href=" www.eso.org/public/events/astro-evt/solareclipse2019/ ">Total Solar Eclipse 2019 at La Silla</a>

2) Retweet: Invalid consumer key/secret in configuration

3) Share: www.facebook.com/ESOAstronomy/posts/10156516963972495

4) Distribute the news: www.eso.org/public/news/eso1822/

5) Direct people to the webpage: www.eso.org/public/events/astro-evt/solareclipse2019/

Specifically here www.eso.org/public/events/astro-evt/sola...19/other-activities/
you can see what we are planing for various target groups.

This is the key visual we're using for the campaign: www.eso.org/public/images/eso1822e/

Our official hashtag is #LaSillaTSE

Don't wait until tickets are open for sale, as we suspect they will be gone quite fast :)

Best wishes,

Oana Sandu
Community Coordinator & Communication Strategy Officer
ESO Education and Public Outreach Dep.

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Total Solar Eclipse 2019 at La Silla
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Plus d'informations
06 Juil 2018 15:05 #18 par astroraoul
Réponse de astroraoul sur le sujet 2019: 100 ans de l'UAI (message de Rodrigo)
Dear friends,

The Total Solar Eclipse 2019 Campaign has just been launched. This is going to be one of our next big projects. We've prepared many activities that can be of interest to you personally and to your communities. As ambassadors of ESO, we would appreciate your help in spreading the word.

If you would like to help out, please see below some options:

1) add a link to your signature as you can see in mine. HTML code for that is <br><a href=" www.eso.org/public/events/astro-evt/solareclipse2019/ ">Total Solar Eclipse 2019 at La Silla</a>

2) Retweet: Invalid consumer key/secret in configuration

3) Share: www.facebook.com/ESOAstronomy/posts/10156516963972495

4) Distribute the news: www.eso.org/public/news/eso1822/

5) Direct people to the webpage: www.eso.org/public/events/astro-evt/solareclipse2019/

Specifically here www.eso.org/public/events/astro-evt/sola...19/other-activities/
you can see what we are planing for various target groups.

This is the key visual we're using for the campaign: www.eso.org/public/images/eso1822e/

Our official hashtag is #LaSillaTSE

Don't wait until tickets are open for sale, as we suspect they will be gone quite fast :)

Best wishes,

Oana Sandu
Community Coordinator & Communication Strategy Officer
ESO Education and Public Outreach Dep.

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eso.org | ESO social media | supernova.eso.org
@oanasandu | fb/oana | insta/oana
astronomycommunication.org blog

Total Solar Eclipse 2019 at La Silla
ESON mailing list
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ESON-Belgium mailing list
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Plus d'informations
15 Jui 2018 10:26 #19 par astroraoul
Réponse de astroraoul sur le sujet 2019: 100 ans de l'UAI (message de Rodrigo)
De: Jorge Rivero González (Basecamp) <Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.>
Objet: (IAU NOCs) Feedback for IAU100 Exhibition
Date: 14 juin 2018 à 18:53:28 UTC+2
À: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.
Répondre à: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

Dear all,

Many people worldwide have been inspired about the Universe with cultural pieces such as movies, books, TV series, documentaries, paintings etc such as the Cosmos TV series by Carl Sagan or the History of Time book from Stephen Hawking.

As part of the exhibition that we are preparing for the IAU 100th anniversary (IAU100), that will be launched during the IAU General Assembly in Vienna (Austria) on 20-31 August 2019, we would like to showcase different items (movies, books, TV shows, documentaries, paintings) that have served to engage people with astronomy in different countries around the world during the past 100 years.

We will be extremely grateful is you could contribute with any feedback from your country.

We have prepared this form to submit the feedback: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe5qudG...2H-w0_pFhow/viewform

There is the possibility to submit up to two main items and will take less than 5 minutes to complete the form with information regarding Title, Author, Year of publication, a couple of lines with short description of relevance in the country and link to any information online (especially pictures, posters, covers, etc). You will be credited on the IAU100 exhibition website as contributor.

Help us make the IAU100 exhibition as geographically diverse as possible! Please complete the form by Thursday 21 June the latest.

If you have any questions let me know.


Sent with Basecamp

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Plus d'informations
21 Avr 2018 08:50 #20 par astroraoul
2019: 100 ans de l'UAI (message de Rodrigo) a été créé par astroraoul
Dear colleagues,

Ten years after the International Year of Astronomy, the International Astronomical Union will celebrate its 100 anniversary in 2019 by organizing at the international level several global activities:
See the IAU100 page here
and you can also download the IAU100 brochure here
I have the honor to have been appointed National Point of Contact for Belgium by the IAU and the Belgian National Committee for Astronomy. It is my pleasure to invite you to be part of a Belgian Steering Committee that will contribute to the success of the astronomy celebration in 2019 in Belgium by proposing ideas, activities, collaborations, etc. If you are willing to join this Steering Committee, or if you just want to be kept informed of the ongoing activities, please send me an e-mail with contact details.

As first actions, we plan to create a website and Facebook page where all of your 2019 activities will be promoted. A kick-off event (with press conference) will also be organized at the beginning of 2019.

In the meantime, I also want to draw your attention to this call for proposals for Astronomy 2019 special projects:


Please read in details, but two important point
There is a possibility of 2500 EUR funding
Deadline: June 15

Please kindly spread the news (and the content of this e-mail) around you.

Best wishes,
Rodrigo Alvarez

Rodrigo Alvarez
Head of the Planetarium
Planetarium of the Royal Observatory of Belgium
Avenue de Boechoutlaan, 10
1020 Brussels
T. +32-2/474.70.53
F. +32-2/478.30.26
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